Show off your reputation with Rich Review Snippets

At Bizrate Insights, we’re focused on collecting verified customer feedback to create valuable business insights. By now, most retailers are familiar with the seller ratings stars that appear next to paid ads, but now the Bizrate Insights Online Buyer Survey can also power star ratings in your organic search results.

What are Rich Review Snippets?

Unlike Google Seller Ratings which appear in paid search ads, Rich Review Snippets appear on Google organic search when someone looks for reviews of your business. The “at-a-glance” information rates your business using a system of stars and highlights relevant reviews. The snippets also appear in the “local business” card in desktop and mobile views, as well as within the search results themselves.

Why do I want Rich Review Snippets?

Let’s start with the most important reason: reputation management. Customers learn the most about your brand from the people they trust: each other. Reviews make the purchase process easier by removing doubts and instilling a sense of familiarity with your business.

In addition, Rich Review Snippets help to optimize your SEO efforts by improving page rankings within organic searches.

These make your business stand out visually on search engine results pages (SERP) through the star rating system, displaying the number of reviews that lead to the ranking, and allowing customers to explore relevant reviews. This leads to an increase in click-through rates, lowering your ad spends and increasing your website traffic and conversion rates.

Where should I use Bizrate Insights for Rich Review Snippets?

Bizrate Insights collects more verified customer feedback than most other providers – and we syndicate rich review snippets across Google and Bing at no charge! Not only do we include data from both the purchase and delivery experiences, but also across metrics such as on-time delivery, product selection, and customer support, which help to build your reputation quickly.

Customers who want to learn more about your site can click through the review stars to your Bizrate Ratings page on Here, they can see your scores, customer feedback, and your publicly posted responses.

In addition, by placing our widget on your site, you’ll always have fresh review content available.

Getting Started with Rich Review Snippets

As long as you’re using the standard Bizrate Insights Online Buyer survey, you don’t have to do anything! The review pages on are already programmed so that they can be crawled by search engines like Google and Bing. If you’d like to strengthen your SEO, then add the Bizrate Insights widget to your website to keep review content streaming in. There are several designs to align with your site design – just choose the one that works best for you.

If you’re not already working with us, don’t worry – getting started is easy. Just add the survey code to your confirmation page, or via your tag manager. As soon as you start to collect data, rich review snippets will become available.

Have questions, or want to learn more? You can reach a Bizrate Insights professional here to get started, or email us at
