You’ve Won a Bizrate Circle of Excellence Award: Here’s What to Do Next

Did your company win a Circle of Excellence Award this year? Congratulations, and welcome to Bizrate Insight’s Circle of Excellence!

Now that you’ve earned top satisfaction scores from your customers, here are some steps you can take to promote and uphold your COE status.   

Display the Award to Show Your Commitment to Your Customers

As a COE winner, you’ll be able to use our certificate and badge on your website and in your advertising materials. The award is essentially given to you by your happy customers, and our badge will show that you provide a great visitor experience. Click here for instructions on how to add the badge to your homepage. 

You’ll also be sent a paper certificate! Bring traffic to your online store through your brick and mortar locations by framing and displaying your physical COE award.  

Promote Your Win 

Let your audience know you appreciate their feedback by displaying your award wherever possible: 

  • Use the COE badge and customer feedback in social media campaigns 
  • Add the COE badge to your marketing emails 
  • Publish a press release about your win

This is also a great way to notify potential customers of your dedication and commitment to customer service.

You can even use customer feedback you’ve received for valuable testimonials. This will let customers know you listen to what they have to say, ultimately improving your B2C relations – and sales numbers.  

Keep an Eye on VitalSigns 

Since it’s clear you’ve been successfully turning your VitalSigns insights into positive change, all that’s left to do is keep up the good work!  

In a quickly evolving retail landscape, the customer solutions that worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. The VitalSigns dashboard is still your real-time display of what your current shoppers are looking for.

Maintain your COE status by keeping up with direct customer feedback and making changes to your marketing strategy as needed.

Participate in a Case Study 

Want to publicize your business’s success as a Circle of Excellence winner? Consider being part of a case study or sharing a testimonial with the Bizrate Insights team. It’s a great way to demonstrate your commitment to customer service and show shoppers that you care what they think. Check out some of the case studies on our website for examples. 

As a thank you for participating, Bizrate Insights will add a free enhanced feature to your VitalSigns account. Contact us at to get started. 


Want to join the Circle of Excellence? Find out what it is here. Or, contact us today to see how you can use our online buyer solution to gather positive customer feedback. 
